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Remotely - A Virtual Home Auditing Tool

Home energy audits can provide a roadmap for saving money and improving the comfort of the home. But currently the traditional process for auditing programs is costly, time consuming and doesn’t necessarily result in homeowners making efficiency improvements in their home.

Remotely simplifies the auditing process, increases access to programs and saves time - for contractors and homeowners.

The Remotely app uses smartphone technology, including augmented reality spatial measurements of windows and finished areas, to facilitate the collection of residential energy audit data by energy professionals and homeowners alike.

  • Streamlines workflow - Includes platform for project tracking & communication
  • Creates a Home Energy Score
  • Creates an HPXML File
  • Is customized based on local energy codes, utility cost and climate priorities
  • Connects homeowners with contractors
  • Includes set of recommendations for efficiency improvements, links to rebate programs.
  • Can work with weatherization programs
  • Linkage to IAQ metrics

Remotely can lower the cost of energy auditing programs, providing an integrated solution that will streamline the residential auditing program, from data collection to program reporting, Including the Department of Energy’s Home Energy Score, and facilitate adoption of residential energy efficiency measures.

Broaden Adoption of Energy Efficiency Programs: For programs using Remotely as a tool for in-home auditors, Remotely collects all the data necessary for a Home Energy Score on-site, avoiding any secondary data entry and calculations at the office as is typically the case. All required area calculations of finished square footage, window, and skylight areas are done in real-time by Remotely. This allows for direct feedback on the measurements, reducing errors while saving time and avoiding the need to complete calculations at the auditor’s office. Remotely will provide the auditor with all energy system information, measurements, and images in a straightforward review screen, allowing any values to be edited.

Affordability and Expediency: For programs encouraging the use of Remotely as a tool by homeowners, the approach avoids an initial visit by an auditor and the associated travel and in-home visit time. Remotely does not require advance scheduling or waiting for results.

Remotely QR

To try Remotely, please scan the QR code to download the app.

For more information or to request a demo, please contact Carolyn Sarno Goldthwaite

Developed in partnership with Signetron, NEEP, NYSERDA